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Our Story

In the Beginning...

Be-U is a line of exotic skincare products and cosmetic products that began many years ago.  As a child, my mother always took great prides in her appearance.  She would often be found putting on makeup, creating a unique outfit and combing her big locks of hair (though it was purchased) 😊!  She was always willing to try the latest skincare products if it promised to turn back the aging process.  I affectionately remember one day, mom coming into my room with some “stuff” on her face.  I asked, “What is that”? to which she replied “Avocado”.  She shared an article she had read about the benefits of avocado when applied directly to skin and was determined to see lasting results.  The desire to create natural products was instilled in me at an early age but became more meaningful during the past few years. 


From Pain to Passion to Products: Be-U

In 2017, my beloved mother, Barbara Williams suddenly transitioned to heaven.  It was the most painful moment I had ever faced in my life.  I didn’t know how to pick my head up and face the dawning of another day without my best friend, my mother.  I envisioned this journey with her, after all she was and is the inspiration behind Be-U’s story.  I loved the lessons she taught me, and the life she lived before me.  She was always authentically herself.  One of the most important lessons she taught me, was whatever I do, wherever I go in life always “Be-U”! This skincare line pays homage to her and is dedicated to her legacy.  Here’s to you mom!!!

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